
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Genius of Quake's E1M5 First encounter (and subencounter) designs

 Despite how annoyed I was about taking an HOUR to beat E1M5 in Quake, I have enough respect for the genius of it's level design.  As the player starts the level, they encounter a big arch and are pointed forward towards a door, given an objective to charge forward. The game throws a few Knights at the player, a semi-durable melee enemy, to warm up the player for the first "intended" big encounter of the level.  The big room (Right image) Gives the player a fairly simple encounter. 2 Knights and an Ogre, and the level shows the player a rocket launcher as a new shiny toy. The Knights become the top priority for the player as they attempt to swarm them. This comes increasingly easier for them to do if the player falls for the "trap" of immediately sprinting for the rocket launcher. The ogre on the top platform throws grenades at the player hoping to snag a hit, but because it is on a secondary level, it can be dealt with later if the player chooses as it is a min...