How Fire Emblem Fates salvaged the Pair Up Mechanic

How Revelations salvaged the Pair Up Mechanic This week, I managed to get COVID from somewhere, and of course in my bed ridden state, my LOGICAL course of action was to play a strategically complex JRPG. This was one of the trio of games that no one talks about, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations. Fire Emblem Fates is a game series known for this weird in-between of Fire Emblem Awakening , the game that saved the franchise, and Fire Emblem Three Houses , the game so story rich even non-Fire Emblem fans got way too into it. The reason I like to call Fire Emblem Three Houses the game that “fixed fate’s mistakes” is for a couple of reasons. First of all, the game's main draw was that there were different paths. The main reason why multiple paths work in a game is that each path matters. However, Revelations, the game I haven't played in the series until now, breaks that rule and has a “true path” that reveals a hidden enemy has been coercing the two sides to fight. The second reason...