Why Alear is the most Personable Fire Emblem player character, and why Fire Emblem Engage is a Master Class Story

Why Alear is the most personable Fire Emblem Main Character, and why Fire Emblem Engage is a Master Class Story At this point in Nintendo’s history, Fire Emblem has become a main IP, but it wasn't always. Fire Emblem Awakening , released in 2013, was supposed to be the last Fire Emblem game made, but due to major success in the West, they created more games, and even spinoffs with the Persona world about pop idols. More than 5 years ago, a new contender for the most popular Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem Three Houses , was released and blew up the Fire Emblem market. However, when the newest Fire Emblem game released, Fire Emblem Engage , many fans were disappointed. This is because many Fire Emblem Three Houses fans LOVED the world building aspect, which was new territory for the series. Fire Emblem Engage ended up reverting to the old formula which focused on a more linear story and harder combat. Overall, I really love Fire Emblem Engage and really hate ...