Why Alear is the most Personable Fire Emblem player character, and why Fire Emblem Engage is a Master Class Story

 Why Alear is the most personable Fire Emblem Main Character, and why Fire Emblem Engage is a Master Class Story

At this point in Nintendo’s history, Fire Emblem has become a main IP, but it wasn't always. Fire Emblem Awakening, released in 2013, was supposed to be the last Fire Emblem game made, but due to major success in the West, they created more games, and even spinoffs with the Persona world about pop idols. 

More than 5 years ago, a new contender for the most popular Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem Three Houses, was released and blew up the Fire Emblem market. However, when the newest Fire Emblem game released, Fire Emblem Engage, many fans were disappointed. This is because many Fire Emblem Three Houses fans LOVED the world building aspect, which was new territory for the series. Fire Emblem Engage ended up reverting to the old formula which focused on a more linear story and harder combat. 

Overall, I really love Fire Emblem Engage and really hate how people keep talking about how Fire Emblem Three Houses was the best game ever even though the fans have ABSOLUTELY NO MEDIA LITERACY (there is NO WINNER in war. Stop trying to say one side is better than the other that’s the WHOLE POINT). While Fire Emblem Three Houses has a good story and good characters, it has a unique yet TERRIBLE combat system and an even WORSE main character. So much so that Shez is LEAPS better than Byleth and they're from a SPIN OFF GAME. Byleth is so bad that the FANDOM had to give them a good personality. Even in the Warriors spinoff, they were barely given a personality.

Alear on the other hand, is one of the factors that makes Fire Emblem Engage… engaging. Unlike an emotionless, goddess housing mercenary made teacher who's backstory is locked behind DLC, Alear is a relatable character. She laughs and cries with the player through emotional events. Her supports are expressive and she has clear likes and dislikes. While the story of Fire Emblem Three Houses could LITERALLY go on its own WITHOUT Byleth, Alear is needed for Fire Emblem Engage, as the story actually revolves around the main character. 

In this article, I'm going to talk about why Engage's Story works well and about Alear as a character. This article will involve MASSIVE spoilers for the game. Therefore, I'm going to shill now. This game is incredible. While it doesn't have Fire Emblem Three Houses’ world building, the characters and combat are incredible. I HIGHLY recommend picking it up if you love tactical RPGs that focus on combat, but still have a lot of character. Now with that out of the way, here's the rest:

Alear is crucial to the story of Fire Emblem Engage. In fact, the story is completely about Alear. Alear is an average person with the quirk of being a dragon, who is trying to find themself in the world. Despite their amnesia, their kind, but practical outlook on the world makes them a cheerful character. Over the course of the game, Alear grows from a gentle coward to be a full grown leader who understands themself and their place in the world.

As the game begins, Alear starts out as an incompetent leader and a gentle soul. They awoke from their slumber and are surrounded by overenthusiastic retainers who put their absolute trust into them. As someone who woke up and was told that they’re some special being, they’re uncertain. This happens later on as when the crew encounters the corrupted for the first time. Vander asks Alear, “What do we do, Divine One. fight?” and in response Alear says, “No. We run.” While out of context, it’s hilarious, there's a lot of character put into this. Alear, woken up with no memory and put in charge of a rag tag group of their so called retainers, encounters a fearful creature. With all that happened on their first day awake, they follow their instincts and run. Alear probably doesn't want the responsibility, but instead wants answers about what they’re told. Overwhelmed with so many people and monsters, they just want it all to be over. This trait of theirs makes them a relatable character. In front of impossible odds, instead of standing fast and saving the day, their draconic reactions are more akin to a normal person who's just been thrown into chaos

As the game goes on, Alear grows as a person and as a leader. They become more confident in their choices and they manage to gather six of the twelve Emblem rings. They gains confidence not only through their allies, but through the rings who knew who they were in the past. After one last talk with Marth, the ring who has been with them since they woke up, they storm Elusia to blitz the Fell dragon before he can arise again. Unfortunately, their lack of experience gets their party caught in a trap and they end up relinquishing all of their rings. Alear begs Sombron not to take the rings and cries when he turns them into lifeless puppets, saying they, “Can’t do this without them” and collapses on the ground. While they made many friends along the way, the rings understood who they were, and without them anymore, they have no one to turn to who knew who they were in the past. Forced to cut their losses and unsure of themselves, Alear makes a forced retreat and runs away from the Fell dragon's forces. When all hope seems lost, Ivy, princess of Elusia, retrieves two new rings from the fell dragon's clutches, the ring of The Lady of the Plains, and The Ring of the Princess Exalt. The Ring of the Plains, Lyn, is an important ring because Lyn is from the first game released to the West, thus ushering in a symbolic new start for the player. The Ring of the Princess Exalt holds an even more special meaning. In the game Fire Emblem Awakening, the same EXACT situation happens. It's why a while ago I called this game, “Fire Emblem Awakening lite”. As an aside, I will say that Alear means more to Engage's Story than Robin does to Awakening 's. Once Awakened, Lucina tells Alear, “For now, we may only escape. But as long as we survive, hope will abide”. This is enough to rally Alear’s spirits until they get away, but they break down. They don't know who they are without relying on those who knew who they used to be. With all the responsibilities of the divine dragon pushed on them since awakening, they never had time to figure out themselves. This is the first time the game properly gives the characters a “round table discussion.” The whole time, everyone blindly put their trust in Alear, but with their plan gone awry, Alear doesn't know what to do and apologises to the team saying, “I’ll become a better fighter - a better leader.” The nobles of Elusia, Brodia and Firene get together to talk WITH Alear about what to do next. Instead of hoisting all of the planning and responsibilities onto Alear, they realize that they need to work as a team to accomplish the task at hand. After this, and with more advice from the sage teenager who experienced this before,  “You can still challenge your fate. You don’t lose by retreating,” they all agree to make a tactical retreat to Solm to join forces and get the last of the rings.

As the game progresses on and on, each of the leaders not only learn more about themselves, but take the time to learn about each other. After a major battle, Alear becomes a confident commander and brave leader. Even when we learn about how they used to be a fell dragon and that Sombron was the reason they were afraid of the corrupted, they mature into an inspiring leader who will make the right choices. When they get revived as a corrupted, the very thing they hate, instead of playing a conservative long game, they prioritize awakening the Emblem Rings and using the last of their strength. Through this action alone, they understand who they are. While kind and compassionate, they understand the role of the leader and make the decision to make a choice that may endanger themself instead of playing it safe like they did at the start of the game. This choice is not lost and the Emblem rings decide to grant them life once again as the Fire Emblem in response to their bravery and courage. 

The change from them being scared and focusing on survival, to prioritizing their friends and comrades is what makes Alear a truly great character and what makes the story of Fire Emblem Engage amazing. Unlike past games where you're a master tactician who somehow lost their memory, a naive child who can overpower foes by morphing into a dragon, or a hardened mercenary who has a literal goddess sealed inside them, this game takes time to grow Alear into a worthy adversary. Alear is a normal person with dragon blood who's ace up their sleeve is… talking to rings that anyone can wear and become more powerful. It’s not even only their power. Unlike the other powers, Alear’s grows stronger when they surround themselves with trustworthy people. For the story, that makes sense as Alear is in all intents and purposes, a normal person. As they grow and change and leave the past, they can become who they want to be with the people they love by their side. The strong message that the story tells is that your past lays the groundwork for who you are, but the more you explore and make new choices, the less the past defines you and the more your choices do. So as Alear says, “It doesn’t matter where you’re from. What’s important is how you live. How you live and what you do shapes your future. So… who do you want to become?”

Thank you for reading and Happy 2nd Birthday Fire Emblem Engage.

Emblem…. ENGAGE!!!

Higuchi, Mashiro, et al. “Fire Emblem Engage.” Translated by Umetsu Naoko, Japan, 

Kyoto, 20 Jan. 2023.


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