Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Boss Design Choices. The Good and the Bad
WARNING: SPOILERS FOR TOKYO MIRAGE SESSIONS While I've been a competitive Pokémon player for a long time, Summer gives me an opportunity to trade my Monster Balls for other RPGs, as the c ompetitive season of Pokémon ends in the summer. In addition, TPCI has made some interesting decisions that may make me not play competitively. But that's for another article. It's Summer, which means I get to catch up on all the JRPGs that I have in my backlog that have been collecting dust, including Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. I love the Fire Emblem series and I love the Persona series and an acquaintance online constantly OBSESSES about this game. The final push was that my friend got it for me for my birthday. And the game didn't disappoint. Somehow, the game blended in Persona combat with Fire Emblem mastery and leveling along with a quirky story about the entertainment industry, and I fell in love. The combat centers around a mechanic called “Sessions”. When...
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