Transitioning Through Gender. How Trails through Daybreak handles its Characters' Gender and Sexuality MUCH better than past titles
Transitioning Through Gender. How Trails through Daybreak handles its Characters' Gender and Sexuality MUCH better than past titles Throughout the Trails series, gender and sexuality has been more or less a joke. While we all know that Kurt and Joshua can both rock a dress like their life depends on it, there’s not many good examples in the series involving gender and sexuality. While Olivier is a good representative of being bisexual within the series, Angelica and Shirley, the two main lesbians of the series, are portrayed as shallow characters and bad representations of their sexuality. However, Trails through Daybreak gives us a whole slew of characters and our biggest LGBTQ+ ally, Van. Throughout this article, I’ll be talking about how Falcom stepped up their game with gender and sexuality in Trails through Daybreak The first LGBTQ+ character I’ll be talking about is Bermotti. He is an informant, and the owner and bartender of Bernotti. In h...
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